General Information

Full Name Junming (Leo) Chen
Languages English, Chinese


  • 2024 - Present
    EECS Master of Engineering
    University of California, Berkeley
    • Computer Vision & Graphics
  • 2023 Spring
    Visiting Student in Computer Science
    University of California, San Diego
    • GPA:4.0
  • 2020 - 2024
    B.E. in Software Engineering
    Northeastern University
    • GPA:92/100


  • Jan.2024 - Apr.2024
    Research Assistant
    Prof.Siyu Zhu @ Fudan University
    • Video Generation, controllable human image animation
  • July.2023 - Oct.2023
    Research Assistant
    Prof.Jean-François Lalonde @ Université Laval
    • HDR Light capture & estimation
  • April.2023 - July.2023
    Undergraduate Researcher
    Prof.Manmohan Chandraker @ University of California, San Diego
    • 3D Virtual Datasets Creating and Inverse Rendering
  • Sep.2022 - Dec.2022
    Remote Researcher
    Prof.Li Cheng @ University of Alberta
    • Deep implicit 3D reconstruction
  • Mar.2022 - Jul.2022
    Research Assistant
    Prof.Guibing Guo @ Northeastern University
    • Learning based short video recommendation